Error Ingesting GIF Files


TeleScope versions prior to 2020.3 would intermittently fail while ingesting GIF files with a similar error:

Error: Failed in generating file [filename.gif] graphics, database record [38589:1]
(Reason: [ESock Exception]=>SockUtils::SockRead(SOCKET in_sock, ...):
SockPoll() lChildID:[18560] failed[SOCKET_ERROR]: error 0: )

The GIF files that may have been successfully uploaded often do not generate correct previews.



This issue was fixed in Telescope Standard 2020.3 and it is recommended to upgrade your TeleScope version to this or later to fix this issue. If your TeleScope installation has customizations or you're an OnDemand customer, please contact your Account Manager or support for help with upgrading.

Please note that upgrading TeleScope won't fix previews for GIF files that were ingested prior to the upgrade and those faulty previews can't be fixed from the backend.



Once upgraded, GIF files should ingest without any issues.



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