Error While Uploading PSD Files


Some upload actions for PSD files may not succeed and fail when the upload is started, and clicking on the error message button displays ERROR: UNABLE TO UPLOAD THE FILE or the following message in log files:

Error: [Error returned from NPDirectActionCheckIngestStatus. Error: [(IB_ERRORS:Failed in generating file [Test.psd] graphics, database record [2099073:1]
(Reason: [ESock Exception]=>SockUtils::SockRead(SOCKET in_sock, ...): SockPoll() lChildID:[42576] failed[SOCKET_ERROR]: error 0: ))]]

This article discusses the resolution for this problem.




A possible reason for this is PSD files with large enough XMP metadata that TeleScope components cannot allocate enough memory to process them. This can be verified with ImageMagick identify command-line utility or Exiftool like so:

d:\ThirdParty\ImageMagick\\VisualMagick\bin>identify Test.psd
identify.exe: Memory allocation failed `Not enough space' @ fatal/string.c/AcquireStringInfo/182.
d:\Exiftool>exiftool -xmp -b Test.psd > Test.xmp
Warning: [Minor] Extracted only 1000 photoshop:DocumentAncestors items. Ignore minor errors to extract all - Test.psd

This issue was fixed in TeleScope Executive 2019.1 so only versions prior to that would be affected by this bug.

Steps To Fix

It is recommended to upgrade TeleScope to Executive 2019.1 or later to resolve this issue. If your TeleScope installation has customizations or you're an OnDemand customer, please contact your Account Manager or support for further assistance with the upgrade.



Retry uploading the same PSD files after upgrading and they should upload normally without failing.



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