Re-Indexing Operation Failing


When adding assets to Telescope, they may sometimes not show up in TSWeb and a restart of indexing brokers or re-indexing is suggested. But sometimes even these measures can get stuck on a few records, due to invalid entries in the doc_renditions table, evidenced by the error MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS:sss 8348:9 [ERR] Metadata::getMimixDataSet(): Bad data split in the Child Indexing error logs. This has been known to affect Telescope version

If you're an OnDemand customer, please raise a support request with details about the issue you have been facing.



This is caused due to records for which the rend_id field contains only one or more vertical slashes(|) in the doc_renditions table of the database which will stall the indexing processes whenever the process encounters an asset with a similar record associated with it.

It is recommended to find such records in the doc_renditions table and delete them and re-start reindexing operations. Please raise a support ticket in case you need any assistance with this issue.


Agents should escalate the ticket to PS by following the escalation path in the Telescope routing table KB article.




Once the invalid entries are deleted from the doc_renditions table the re-indexing processes must be started again and they'll pick up all the unindexed assets.



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