"Lock request time out period exceeded" in TSWeb Error Log


Telescope deletes asset records in the database from the editorial table with the help of a stored procedure called tsp_delete_record, and earlier versions of that procedure had a table lock hint in it which would lock the editorial table for the duration of the operations. The lock on the entire table would lead to other operations such as ingest through hot folders or even user logins to fail.



This issue is of particular significance when processes call the delete function too often, such as ingest through hot folders. Ingestion is a multi-threaded process and whenever a process doesn't find a file for ingestion it calls the stored procedure to delete the record from the database, and a lot of processes might not find the correct files due to mis-configuration of paths calling the procedure repeatedly blocking up all database calls.

This issue was fixed with Telescope Executive 2020.2It is recommended to upgrade to this or a later version. If your Telescope installation has customizations or you're an OnDemand customer, please contact your Account Manager or support for further assistance with upgrading.



Once upgraded, the delete procedure should not lock the entire table and other processes should be able to function normally.




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